
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eu lacus bibendum, efficitur risus vitae, porta velit. Morbi suscipit, elit vitae aliquet tincidunt, leo felis faucibus odio, a euismod risus nibh nec lectus. Duis vitae augue elit. Sed ex justo, rutrum nec dui at, hendrerit mollis nunc.

1. Objectif du module

Bizao gateway gives you access to a large panel of services through REST APIs. Mobile Money is one of these services.

This service is based on a <mobilemoney>northbound API that aggregates and covers multiple countries, operators, and payment channels. Right now, our API manages the payment channels below:

Web : channel dedicated to all payment traffic using our PopUp UI

TPE : channel dedicated to all payment traffic coming from integrated merchant-TPE devices.

USSD : channel dedicated to all payment traffic coming from USSD channel

This API lets you target the right country, operator, and channel by using the dedicated Header for that. To grant access to the service, our Integration team will onboard you on this service/API and send you your dedicated credentials/access-Token. So far, only Orange Money web-payment page is available for testing via a sandbox. You can start your implementation based on this Sandbox.

Note :

Please note that is necessary to book a slot for an end-to-end test on our sandbox. Our Integration team ([email protected]) will help you during the testing step by providing you a PIN and a dumb number to validate each payment test. Each PIN is valid during 15 mns.

This API manages three categories of parameters:

→ Headers: contains information letting Bizao to route your traffic by : country, operator and channel targeted.
→ Body-parameters: contains detail on your payment transaction: order-id, amount, currency, …
→ Static-parameters: this category of parameter cover all parameter that are static per merchant for all its payment traffic (Notification-URL,…). These parameters will be provisioned in Bizao Hub (in SignUP step) per Merchant and will be used by Bizao- Hub in the payment traffic.
2. Fonctionnalités du module

Le module de paiement propose les fonctionnalités suivantes :

• Compatible avec WooCommerce version 3.7.0 et supérieure
• Mise à jour systématique des commandes à la fin du paiement via une url silencieuse (url de notification)
• Compatible multi devise,

Your query will contain the following Headers :

Make a request to the endpoint by providing your generated BASIC_TOKEN ( here TjJ4ZTd4emsyNUZaRW5TMFlnbWxEMTBhOnhwUERza0JJOUdLcGJQamtISnJBTjZRYQ== ).

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